For a long time I have wanted to try the idea of taking at least "One PIcture a Day." I have read this discipline helps one develop photographic skills. I have also wanted to develop "sharp eyes" that can see Interesting picture possibilities in the ordinary rhythm of life. I hope some of my photos will be beautiful, others may be unusual or serve as a photo journal. Some might be humorous and I expect some will be quite boring. Hopefully some will stimulate your thoughts and reflections.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Occasional Visitor
When this red-bellied woodpecker stops by our feeder all the other birds scatter and keep their distance until he is gone. He is a very determined eater and keeps his focus on getting the job done.
Look at his eyes. He is very alert this surroundings and aware of his situation.
In these winter months we welcome color of any kind in our back yard and are pleased when this one stops by to visit.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Christmas in Eau Claire (3)
Christmas in Eau Claire is more than bright lights. The nativity is found in peoples homes, on their yards, in the churches. It is the theme of worship services, musical concerts, sermons, Sunday School programs. The nativity is on Christmas Cards, newspaper ads, bulletin boards, TV programs and more.
The nativity is a symbol of hope as we go into the future. It gives us reason to face tomorrow with confidence. Immanuel. God is with us.
Friday, December 21, 2012
New Look
You might think this is a cactus on fire or the explosion of a shooting star. Wrong. You have seen this before.
This is the same Christmas light as yesterday only this time I turned the zoom while the shutter was open. I had to have the camera on a tripod and use a slow shutter speed to capture the benefit of the zoom action. This picture will not ever end up hanging on somebody's wall. But it is fun to see what is possible with a camera and zoom lens.
Sometimes time it is helpful to look at the familiar from a different point of view. It might add zest and insight to our life.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
What do you think this is? Are the Mayans arriving? Or ar we being watched by some gigantic camera in the sky?
No this is a picture of a light on the official Eau Claire Christmas Tree on Barstow. Looks better close up than from the street.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Christmas in Eau Claire (2)
I have never noticed this store before but when you put lights on the edges and inside it become a very interesting scene to shoot. But be careful. The drivers on the street do not always know what you are doing and can't understand why you are standing in the middle of the street with your tripod.
Learning for the day: This is underexposed. More light would make this a better picture. OK now I know what to do next time.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Christmas in Eau Claire
My "Picture a Day" project hit a snag in the last several weeks. Family, church and community activities have taken priory and so there have been fewer picture-taking days and no pictures added to the blog. But I am back again and will try to learn a few things by taking and sharing pictures.
Christmas lights are all around us and provide multiple photo opportunities. So I go downtown Eau Claire to find some picture opportunities. The first image that grabbed my attention was a sign hanging above Barstow Street. The lights were bright and made the area feel like Christmas. I took this picture. Then after I downloaded the picture I realized I was on the wrong side of the street. Come on, Dave. Pay more attention. :-)
Christmas lights are all around us and provide multiple photo opportunities. So I go downtown Eau Claire to find some picture opportunities. The first image that grabbed my attention was a sign hanging above Barstow Street. The lights were bright and made the area feel like Christmas. I took this picture. Then after I downloaded the picture I realized I was on the wrong side of the street. Come on, Dave. Pay more attention. :-)
Monday, December 3, 2012
Nature's Design
After all the green is gone there emerges this grass that stands out like never before. I wanted to catch this picture with sun light coming from behind but when the time was right, I was not ready. SoI took just a few strands home, put them on some black valvet and used a flashlight for lighting. I did not get much depth of field, but learned how I might do it differently next time. Stay tuned. Not a great picture, but good enough for my Picture of the Day.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
"Angels We Have Heard On High"
Angels have always been among the main characters of the Christmas story. It was the angels who proclaimed the good news that touched the lives of all who heard them. Their proclamation brought "the Good News of Immanuel, "God with us."
They have a place in our Christmas lawn decorations reminding us to keep listening so we can hear the messge and celebrate the Good News of the season. Keep listening!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Miracle from Ten Fingers
Look! It is only 10 fingers. Go ahead and count them. Only 10 fingers, that's all. The miracle happens when those 10 fingers go to work and play "O Holy Night" on the piano. Tears come to my eyes. Something deep within me is stirred and I am reminded that there is something more to life that goes beyond what we can touch and feel. The miracle is the awakening of the inner spirit deep within me that proclaims that something happened to make that night a Holy One. Yes, only ten fingers used well and my spirit is lifted and I am inspired and my life is blessed.
It makes me thankful I had the opportunity. It also causes me to reflect on ways I can be a source of inspiration to someone else.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Coming and Going
Some are coming. Others are going. This picture was taken from the overpass on Hwy 93 and I-94. Camera shutter was open for 13 seconds and captured these headlights and tail lights on the move. Not a great picture but I learned a lot for ways to do it better next time. I guess I learn best through trial and error.
Picture was taken on the eve of Thanksgiving Day. I am sure some of the vehicles heading to family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. I hope you had a good time with farmily and friends on Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Amish Country
Here is another way famers deal with the corn crop in the fall. This picture was taken on a road that goes between Agusta and Osseo. Here we fined great farm land tilled by Amish farmers who harvest the corn in bundles, stack them up in the field and retrieve them at a later date. It brings back memories of my early days on the farm when we used the corn to feed the pigs and cattle.
The golden color of fall scenes are an invitation to take some pictures. I wish it had been a brighter day long with some blue sky. What is your favorite fall scene? What colors grab your attention? If you have a camera capture it whenever you can.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Bale Close-up
I wonder what they use this for? The food value is gone as all corn cobs are stripped of the kernals. The leaves and stocks are all dried up. Yet you see hundreds of these on farm yard where they have catte.
I guess I will have to stop at some farm and out.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Corn Stalk Bales
Well these are not as photographic as the hay bales but it is the best I could do. Corn fields are not as attractive as hayfields.
An article in a photo magazine explains why these bales can be photographic because they can demonstrate curves, side light, texture, shadows, setting and more. Well, this picture is missing some of that yet serves as my Picture for Today.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Picture of Pictures
It was late in the day and I had not taken a picture yet. So I looked around my office and saw this. I took the picture and barely keep my goal of taking a picture a day.
The moral of the story is that if you ever take a picture of pictures make sure they are level :-(
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Trains for Toys
Model Railroad collectors gathered in EC and demonstrated that come childhood toys can last long into adulthood. I was surprised to see so many differnt kinds of trians, collectors from all over the midwest, and how this is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is amazing how much effort and money goes into such a display. One of the smaller displays was on sale for $8500.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Warm and Peaceful
There is something peaceful about a fireplace. In such an atmosphere we tend to relax. Our voices tend to be a bit softer. The pace of life slows down and we become reflective. We can enjoy enjoy a time of quiteness.
When is the last time you slowed down enough for some moments of reflection? How long has it been since you had a moment of quietness and peacefulness? Take a moment now. Look at the fireplace and enjoy the feeling of warmth and peacfulness.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Praying Hands
The awesome power of a symbol leaves no doubt as to what the artist intended to communicate. This is the "Study of the Hands of an Apostle" and is a famous Pen-and-ink drawing by the German printmaster, painter, and theorist, Albrecht Durer in 1508. (Wikipedia)
This one is carved from olive wood and made in the Holy Land. It sits in my office and reminds me that all of life is sacred.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Randall Park
This statue is in the center of Randall Park which is located near the center of the citiy of Eau Claire. The message on the base of the statue reads that Adin Randall gave the park to the city in 1857.
He probably deserves more respect that he is getting, at least from some people. We drive by this park on our way to chruch each Sunday and it is not a suprise to us to see a garbage can placed over his head of Mr. Randall. Usually within a few days the garbage can gone thanks to some respected citizen.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Symbol of the Past
At one time Eau Claire was the home of a very large Uniroyal Tire factory. After it was closed the building has been transformed to be used by many smaller businesses and space for numerous offices. This artwork or symbol or sculpture is placed on the outside to pay tribute to the history of that location.
There was no sign or plaque nearby to explain the significance of the symbol but anyone who knows anything about the history of Eau Claire understands what it stands for.
There was no sign or plaque nearby to explain the significance of the symbol but anyone who knows anything about the history of Eau Claire understands what it stands for.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Hero with Roots in Eau Claire
As a boy growing up on a farm in Hillsboro, North Dakota it was a real treat to go to Fargo for a baseball game. Fargo had a team on the Northern Leauge where the players were either on their way up to major league, on their way out, or some who never made it to the big time.
The very first game I saw was when the Twins played the Eau Claire Bears. Never would I have imagined that I witnessed a player who became the biggest home run hitter in all of baseball. Hank Aron had to fight many challenges as an African American in what was thought to be a white-man's game. We honor his memroy with a statue in Carson Park.
Congratulations to Eau Claire for encouraging/allowing an African American to be on their team at a time in history when it was a courageous thing to do.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Brilliant Color
This tree caught my eye because it waa the most brilliant tree in Owen Park. The leaves had not yet begun to fall and it looked so condifent and bold as it stood out among the others.
Possessing that self assured look does attract the attention. I appreciated that in those who are leaders. It is much easier to be a faithful follower.
Who do you know that posses that quality?
Possessing that self assured look does attract the attention. I appreciated that in those who are leaders. It is much easier to be a faithful follower.
Who do you know that posses that quality?
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Night Shot
The bridge at Canal Park in the Duluth Harbor is a stunning thought at night. While I was taking this picture I was focused on the bridge unaware that a 1000 foot ship was just ready to go under it. The two lights in the lower right corner belong to the ship.
Friday, September 28, 2012
On the way home we stopped at Patterson State Park and enjoyed reflections of the fall colors. Th e quiet waters are an invitation take a few moments and enjoy the beauty of the season.
Too often we are rushing to our next thing to do and miss the beauty that is around us just wating to be apppreciated.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sunrise Under the Cloud
I was trying to take a picture of the sunrise, when I remembered reading about this photographer who suggested one should turn around and see what was behind. I did, and this is what I found. The reflections on those windows was the motel we were staying in.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Not My Way
Jackie and I spent a few days on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Evening had come and I had not taken my "Picture of the Day" so I went for a walk near the harbor in Duluth. On the base of the lighthouse was this inscription where the writer proclaims freedom to do it his way.
I think we have all had a feeling like that sometime. Maybe we want to do it our own way and don't want to be limited by the way others do it.
I think we have all had a feeling like that sometime. Maybe we want to do it our own way and don't want to be limited by the way others do it.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Fall Colors Have Arrived
The brilliant colors of fall have arrived. Even after a very dry summer we are getting splashes of color adding beauty to the season. Here is one branch that was set apart from the rest and I was able to get in a position to capture this great example of fall color.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
It's Working
Yesterday I was wondering what would happen when they changed one-way streets to become two-way streets. I questioned the wisdom in that change. I wondered how they could make it work.
They did it!! And it is working well. It is wise for me to remember that sometimes those who propose change know what they are talking about. Maybe I should not be so resistant to change.
They did it!! And it is working well. It is wise for me to remember that sometimes those who propose change know what they are talking about. Maybe I should not be so resistant to change.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
How Can They Do It?
How can they take busy a one way street and make it a two way street in downtown Eau Claire? Someone is going to be unhappy about this arrangement. Will it be the shoppers? Or the business owners? How about the delivery drivers? Where will they park? How can this happen?
I guess life is like that. Changes come our way and at first we have no idea how to deal with them. Our immediate reaction is to resist change. We like to do things the way we did them before.
Yet, sometimes change is good. Adjustments can be made and sometimes it is good and we benefit from it. So, instead of resisting every change that comes our way, let's try to be open to the possibilities that will benefit us or others.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Political Pranks
What do you think happened here? Could it be that someone stole a political advertizing sign and then replaced it with this one? This sign and other political signs could be found at the end of State Street and Lowes Creek Road.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I am beginning to learn why good photographers like these hay bales. Pictures can include shape, texture, shadows, depth and more. I am also learning that I am not one of the good ones. But this was just a quick stop on the hiway and I could not pass up the opportunity.
Friday, September 14, 2012
What's This?
Jackie and I headed north to see some fall color. We followed the the suggestion of Fall Color Chart provided by the Dept. of Transportation. They recommeneded a specific road road from Phillips to Winter because the fall color was as its best.
Well, we get to Phillips and found the Wisconsin Concrete Park. I had never seen this before but it is interesting, unique and memorable. Here are dozens of figures of people, animals, and all kinds of unusual "art" work. All are made with concrete and have all kinds of glass imbedded and somtimes the glass pieces are sticking out so don't get too close.
I know there must be a story behind all of this. We did not take much time to investigate how this got started because we went on to see some fall color on Hwy W from Phillip to Winter, Wisconsin.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Respect Well Deserved
A traveling replica of the Viet Nam Memorial was on display this weekend. In somber silence people walked all along the lists of names. Some were there looking for a specific name and lingered to reflect on the memory of their loved one. It is a stunning experience to see the whole list at one time.
I conducted the funeral of the first Wisconsin solider who died in Viet Nam. At the time I was pastor in a very small chuirch in Wilmot. I recall a large number of people present that day all trying to give comfort, support and care to the family of the young man who was being honored at that time.
The Viet Nam Memorial causes us to keep searching for ways to settle disputes in ways that promote life-giving results.
Recognize any name here?
I conducted the funeral of the first Wisconsin solider who died in Viet Nam. At the time I was pastor in a very small chuirch in Wilmot. I recall a large number of people present that day all trying to give comfort, support and care to the family of the young man who was being honored at that time.
The Viet Nam Memorial causes us to keep searching for ways to settle disputes in ways that promote life-giving results.
Recognize any name here?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Standing Up to be Counted
While Jackie was doing some shopping in Minneapolis today I visited the Como Park Conservatory. Usually the "Sunken Garden" has a speical theme highlighting specific flowers and colors of the season. Today that theme had lost some of its freshness and a new show is soon to come. So I spent my time in the other parts of the conservatory where plants grow to maturity.
Among the flowers that got my attention was this hibuscus plant as if to say, "Most of the time you don't notice me, but when I bloom you begin to pay attention."
Among the flowers that got my attention was this hibuscus plant as if to say, "Most of the time you don't notice me, but when I bloom you begin to pay attention."
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Preview to Fall Colors
Even though it was windy and dusty I could not pass up the brilliance of these colors. The flower was announcing the beginning of a new season.
If I had not been looking for a picture for today, I would have missed this completely. Not only was I fortunte to see the beauty of this flower, but I also met a new neighbor who makes flower gardening her hobby. The picture a day project has blessed me twice today. That is more than I expected.
If I had not been looking for a picture for today, I would have missed this completely. Not only was I fortunte to see the beauty of this flower, but I also met a new neighbor who makes flower gardening her hobby. The picture a day project has blessed me twice today. That is more than I expected.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Our Back Yard Color
We know that every season has its special time of beauty but now at this moment we celebrate the color in our back yard knowing that it won't last much longer.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Deer at Dusk
It was late in the day when we went for a drive in Carson Park. Without any warning suddenlly we find these two deer minding their own business and unafraid of any spectators. It had been a busy day for me and by that time I had not taken any "Picture for the Day" yet. Knowing it was poor lighting conditions to get good results I knew I needed to try.
The camera was in the back seat. I got out, took the camera out of the case and gave the it to Jackie becuse the deer were out her window. She took the "Picture for the Day". I think she did a pretty good job considering the camera was hand held and with a slow shutter speed due to the poor lighting conditions. Thanks, Jackie
The camera was in the back seat. I got out, took the camera out of the case and gave the it to Jackie becuse the deer were out her window. She took the "Picture for the Day". I think she did a pretty good job considering the camera was hand held and with a slow shutter speed due to the poor lighting conditions. Thanks, Jackie
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Changing of the Seasons
After a very hot summer many were looking forward to a change in the weather. After many days in the 90's the change has arrived. It feels like a big change with the morning temp at 46. These clouds came as a sign of the change of the seasons. The overpowering presence of these clouds remind us how little influence we have in how the seasons change.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Field of Honor
"A Field of Honor, Respect and Remembrance Flag Memorial" arrived in EC today for a week long display. These 1500 flags present a impressive display to honor those whose lives were lost in military service. People were walking among the flags in a reflective mood as if this was sacred ground.
Next to USA flags was a Wisconsin Flag for each Wisconsin person whose life was lost since 9-11. On each flag was a dog tag with that persons name. In quiet reverence a family went to the flag of their loved one and tendly held that name tag as if it was precious gem. In respect for them I did not take that picture. The flag looked something like this.


Next to USA flags was a Wisconsin Flag for each Wisconsin person whose life was lost since 9-11. On each flag was a dog tag with that persons name. In quiet reverence a family went to the flag of their loved one and tendly held that name tag as if it was precious gem. In respect for them I did not take that picture. The flag looked something like this.


Thursday, September 6, 2012
It's Only Grass
All summer long it looks like grass, just simple blades of green drawing no attention to the eye. Then comes the season of fall and almost suddenly simple grass becomes the decorative presence for all to enjoy. That which was once very ordinary now becomes very extraordinary. I wonder what seems ordinary now will soon become very extraordinary.
A smart landscaper did a good job decorating an area of Mayo Hospital.
A smart landscaper did a good job decorating an area of Mayo Hospital.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
One Last Chance
This was the last chance for this one beautiful hydrangea blossom to be enjoyed. The blossom was so heavy that it was nearly laying on the ground and soon it would no longer be appreciated. So I wanted to give it one more chance to be enjoyed by any who would see this photograph. How wonderful life could be if we embraced the beauty around us. What beauty have you enjoyed today?
This flower is in the garden of my next door neighbor, Sandy. Her backyard garden adds beauty to our neighborhood. We are fortunate to see her whole array of flowers from our patio. Thanks Sandy.
This flower is in the garden of my next door neighbor, Sandy. Her backyard garden adds beauty to our neighborhood. We are fortunate to see her whole array of flowers from our patio. Thanks Sandy.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Give me Water
Finally some moisture. After using the spinkler this morning I noticed how the thirsty leaf hangs on the the water as long as it can seeking to absorb the wonderful beneft of real moisture.
Is there a lesson in that for us? Maybe we need to cling to that which provides life giving nourishment.
Is there a lesson in that for us? Maybe we need to cling to that which provides life giving nourishment.
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