Friday, May 31, 2013

Rainbow x 2

Following one of thunderstorms we were pleased to get a break in the clouds with some sunshine.  At that time I hustled to Fairfax Park where I could get a good view of the sky.  This is what I found.  The rainbow went from horizon to horizon but I could not capture any more than this.  I am sure an 18mm lens would have done a better job. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Uninvited Guest

Unwelcome but always ready to pay a visit at your place and mine.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

MN Arboretum - Tulips

Here is just a sample of the thousands of tulips of all colors, shapes, and designs at the Minnesota Arboretum.  When you go plan to spend at least 2-3 hours.  Be sure to take the 3 mile drive through all parts with a variety of things to enjoy.

MN Arboretum

You can see the many shades of green and a whole lot more at  the Minnesota Arboretum.  There you will find 1100 acres of great displays of trees, shrubs, flowers, gardens and something for every season of the year.  It is worth the trip. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nature's Design

This dried milkweed pod endured the sun of the fall, the snow of the winter, the flood of the spring time, the wind and rain of all seasons yet still maintains a design to be appreciated.  After all of that it still catches our eye as something to be appreciated and maybe even cause us to reflect on our life.

Don't we all wish we will have some beauty left in our design after we endure the storms, the hurts, the challenges, and frustrations of our daily journey.  May it be that way for you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ducklings on the Way

As the river approached flood stage sticks, twigs, straw gathered in the trees near the rivers edge.  This is the place were these two ducks chose to have their nest for their future family.  I couldn't get any closer without disturbing them. 

Two days later I returned to this location and the sticks, twigs, straw, nest......and ducks were gone.  Apparently when the water level went down, so did their special place.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gooseberry Falls

During a visit to Gooseberry Falls along the North Shore of Lake Superior I tried a very slow shutter speed to capture the nice silky appearance of falling water.  Of course this is only part of the picture but it does illustrate what can happen when we let the action take place while the shutter is open.

Here is the original picture.  After a wet spring in MN there was plenty of water over the falls.  Very different than last year when we could walk across the falls with no difficulty.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Big Falls Country Park

I visited here to get a preview of the place as a possible site for a Summer Photo Shoot for the Lake Street Digital Shooters.  But I decided it was too dangerous climbing on the rocks to get a good view of the falls.  Still looking for different location for the photo shoot .

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spring is Alive

Finally we have something better to photograph than snow.  Yes, spring is alive.  Spring is here.  Colors are emerging. and in the days ahead we will lots of color that will get into our cameras. 

These daffodils are among the first to emerge and we welcome their appearance.  Even though it was a windy day and the focus is not as sharp as one would like, we still know that spring is alive when the daffodils appear. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fluid Design

Remember the ink blot test when we would look at some pictures like this and try to explain what we saw?  Some believed that our descriptions would reveal something deep within our psyche.  The perceived images were to reveal something about how we feel, what we think, or how we view our life.

Well, this is not a test.  It is simply suds that have formed on river after passing the footing for the bridge.  Simply a random design created as the suds move with the movement of the water.

What images to you see?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spingtime Beauty

This is the first flowering tree in our neighborhood and when it flowers it is a clear sign that spring is here.  The flowers do not last very long but the memory of this beauty lingers long in our minds.

I do not know what kind of tree it is but when we see the tree without the flowers we are reminded of the beauty of the spring.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hosta Vs Rocks

Even rocks cannot stop growth of a hosta plant that showing signs of real life following the snow and cold of winter.  It is as if the plant says to the rocks, "If you don't get out of my way I will grow around you and you will be hidden by my leaves."

The persistence and power of nature is awesome.  I the plant grows in spite of the challenges.  It seeks to become what it was intended to become.  Does all in its power to overcome the difficulties.

There is a message for us in this picture.  Be the best you can be. Work around the challenges.  Seek excellence and fulfillment no matter how difficult the road may be. If a hosta  buried in rocks can do it, so can you and I.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Art of China Painting

This plate was painted by my 93 year old mother-in- law who demonstrates that artistic talent is not limited to the young.  This "young in spirit" woman goes about china painting with great determination and resolve.

It is a long process of painting, firing, painting, firing, and more.  Each color has to be fired in, one at a time.  It all reveals artistic talent, gifted ability with paint brush, skill in choosing colors, and patient effort. 

Nice going....dear mother-in-law.

Friday, May 3, 2013


This is no way to welcome spring!  After a long winter we were ready for a change of seasons.  But along comes a winter storm with an abundance of heavy wet snow. 

The good news is the snow did not last long.  Sun and warm breezes put on back on schedule to welcome spring.  Finally!