Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Picture of Pictures

It was late in the day and I had not taken a picture yet.  So I looked around my office and saw this.  I took the picture and barely keep my goal of taking a picture a day.

The moral of the story is that if you ever take a picture of pictures make sure they are level :-(  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trains for Toys

Model Railroad collectors gathered in EC and demonstrated that come childhood toys can last long into adulthood.  I was surprised to see so many differnt kinds of trians, collectors from all over the midwest, and how this is enjoyed by people of all ages.  It is amazing how much effort and money goes into such a display.  One of the smaller displays was on sale for $8500.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Warm and Peaceful

There is something peaceful about a fireplace.  In such an atmosphere we tend to relax. Our voices tend to be a bit softer.  The pace of life slows down and we become reflective.  We can enjoy enjoy a time of quiteness. 

When is the last time you slowed down enough for some moments of reflection?  How long has it been since you had a moment of quietness and peacefulness?  Take a moment now.  Look at the fireplace and enjoy the feeling of warmth and peacfulness.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Praying Hands

The awesome power of a symbol  leaves no doubt as to what the artist intended to communicate.  This is the "Study of the Hands of an Apostle" and is a famous Pen-and-ink drawing by the German printmaster, painter, and theorist, Albrecht Durer in 1508. (Wikipedia)

This one is carved from olive wood and made in the Holy Land. It sits in my office and reminds me that all of life is sacred.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Randall Park

This statue is in the center of Randall Park which is located near the center of the citiy of Eau Claire.  The message on the base of the statue reads that Adin Randall gave the park to the city in 1857.

He probably deserves more respect that he is getting, at least from some people.  We drive by this park on our way to chruch each Sunday and it is not a suprise to us to see a garbage can placed over his head of Mr. Randall.  Usually within a few days the garbage can gone thanks to some respected citizen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Symbol of the Past

At one time Eau Claire was the home of a very large Uniroyal Tire factory.  After it was closed the building has been transformed to be used by many smaller businesses and space for numerous offices. This artwork or symbol or sculpture is placed on the outside to pay tribute to the history of that location.

There was no sign or plaque nearby to explain the significance of the symbol but anyone who knows anything about the history of Eau Claire understands what it stands for.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hero with Roots in Eau Claire

As a boy growing up on a farm in Hillsboro, North Dakota it was a real treat to go to Fargo for a baseball game.  Fargo had a team on the Northern Leauge where the players were either on their way up to major league, on their way out, or some who never made it to the big time.

The very first game I saw was when the Twins played the Eau Claire Bears.  Never would I have imagined that I witnessed a player who became the biggest home run hitter in all of baseball.  Hank Aron had to fight many challenges as an African American in what was thought to be a white-man's game.  We honor his memroy with a statue in Carson Park.

Congratulations to Eau Claire for encouraging/allowing an African American to be on their team at a time in history when it was a courageous thing to do.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Brilliant Color

This tree caught my eye because it waa the most brilliant tree in Owen Park.  The leaves had not yet begun to fall and it looked so condifent and bold as it stood out among the others.

Possessing that self assured look does attract the attention.  I appreciated that in those who are leaders.  It is much easier to be a faithful follower. 

Who do you know that posses that quality?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Night Shot

 The bridge at Canal Park in the Duluth Harbor is a stunning thought at night.  While I was taking this picture I was focused on the bridge unaware that a 1000 foot ship was just ready to go under it.  The two lights in the lower right corner belong to the ship.