Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Lord's Prayer

This woodworking art was done by my grandfather who started learning to use a jig saw at age 70.  It is made of a very strong wood about 1/8th in thick.  Each black space was created first by drilling a hole for the saw blade and then saw in the wood to make the design.  It even has the old English spelling of one of words.  Can you find it?

This hangs above the piano in our living room and is certainly one of our favorite pieces.  My three brothers each have a copy as well as several of my cousins.  Definitely a Kruse family treasure.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Untitled # 1

I don't know why this picture intrigued me. I could not think of a title.  I just liked the texture of the wood in the sunshine and the snow resisting the melting process.  Sometimes something just looks good for no reason at all.

Maybe after I think about this I will add some comment.  (Usually later I think of something I should have said.  Let's see what happens this time.)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snow Flakes

Just for fun I tried to get a picture of snow flakes on their way to the ground.  So I added a ND filter to my lens and stood in my garage and took pictures looking over my driveway. I wasn't willing to get snowed on or get my camera wet.  The ND filter allowed me to use a long shutter speed as I tried to capture the snow flakes on the way down.

Well, picture will not win any contests, but I did learn that when I do it again I need to have a black or very dark background.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Recall Santa

It must be human nature to blame someone when we don't get what we want.  It is so easy to blame someone else, or some institution and not take responsibility for our own situation. Instead of looking for blame let's look for resolution. 

Maybe our leaders in Washington would get more done if there wasn't so much energy spent on blaming each other.  Please find ways to compromise.  Practice cooperation.  Engage in providing leadership. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Amaryllis 2

Do you remember the amaryllis bud I showed you on January 16?  Here you see two of the four blossoms that have emerged.  The miracle of nature emerges again.  All I did was place a blub in the soil and added some water.  So simple and such beautiful results.

God did it again!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Bridge to Somewhere

It was a cold afternoon. The wind was bitter.  Snow was blowing.  I had been at the Post Office and was heading home.  I had NO intention of taking any pictures at a time like this.  No me.  It was too cold.

Then out of the corner of my eye I got a glimpse of this bridge.  It intrigued me enough to drive around the block to get another look at it.  NO...its too cold to get out of my warm car to take a picture. Not today.  But....then I drove around the block again. This time I stopped, grabbed my camera and  walked towards the bridge. My attention was on the bridge.  I was going to take quick (remember it is cold out there)  picture of the bridge.  I put my eye to the eye piece of the camera and then it hit me. 

There was a church at the other end of the bridge. It was not right or left of the bridge.  It was there  right in the middle.  Is there a message for me? for us?  Does the bridge go to the church or does it come from the church?

What do you think?  What is the message here?  How would you title my picture?  I welcome your insights, your wisdom.  Simply reply and let me know what you think?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

For Sale: One Thermometer

If you dislike this cold weather and are afraid to see what the temperature, this thermometer is for you.  If you dread facing the bitter cold wind and want the weather to be warmer than it really is, you will want one of these in your back yard.  This will get you off to a much better start than what the TV weather reporters tell.  This thermometer is for you.

Let me explain: On the day it was -14 this thermometer gives you a  more optimistic report.    No it is not much better but in this cold we will be glad for any good news we can find.

Cheap!   Besides that, I am not going outside for my "Picture of the Day."

Monday, January 21, 2013

Resident Eagles

Here we have some evidence eagles who make their home in EC.  In the top center of the picture are the birds.  You can find this nest on Hwy 37 just prior to the intersection with  Hwy 85.

"Come on Dave,  if you need to tell people where to look for birds, it is not a good photograph."  Well  have an excuse.   I did not have time to stop to get closer. Maybe next  time.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Eagles Found

Counted 10-12 eagles (several may have been counted twice)  near the rest area on Hwy 85 just out side of EC.  They were  enjoying the strong winds of the day.  Thanks to the benefit of a telephoto lens I was able to get this picture.   A clear day would have allowed a better picture, but you take what you can get.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Silver Spring Ski Tournament

Here in Eau Claire, Wisconsin skiers from all over the world come to participate in competition.  Congratulations to our EC residents who did very well and who rank among the best. 

Brave, skilled, talented, courageous people climb to the top of the tower and head down the slope to go as fast and far as possible.  I really admire people who have such self-confidence in their own abilities to take on such risk.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Amaryllis 1

Someone gave us an amaryllis bulb for Christmas.  My instructions were to keep it in a cool place.  I did....until yesterday.  You are right, I kept it there too long.  To be honest I had forgotten about it and it had started to grow.  This picture is the blossom with one day of light.  Doesn't look like much now but keep watching. 

Photo learning: The picture does not seem sharp.  Either my focus setting needs to be adjusted or I have gone beyond the ability of my lens.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Patterns in Produce

There are artists even in the produce department.  They design it to look so attractive that you become reluctant to take any because you mess up the pattern and destroy their art work.

It is great to see the evidence of people taking pride in their work.  In their own way they make the shopping a good experience.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bridge to Nowhere?

It appears this bridge goes to no where.  There is no end in sight and one could wonder why this bridge was even built.  By looking as far as you can there is no end, no finish, no conclusion, no purpose.  But we know better.  Everything is not as it appears.  This bridge is part of the Chippewa Valley Bike Trail.   Not a pretty picture but I like how the railing draws our eyes right to the center of the picture.

Sometimes things are not as they appear.  This is a good reminder to me when making judgments about others.  Everything is not as it appears.

By looking closely we see the bike path turns right and on to another beautiful Wisconsin scene

Sunday, January 13, 2013


At the last meeting of the church photo group we had a video presentation about composition.  We were told to be looking for patterns of repetitive shapes, objects etc.  The presenter was in a park with his camera and in just a few minutes he was able to identify several different patterns.  He told us that if we were looking for them we would be surprised about how many we would find.

So I went home and on the dining table was this place mat, definitely a pattern. It looked so organized.  Everything was in the right place. The shapes all worked together to make a distinctive image. There was a feeling of harmony.  It looked so complete.

Wouldn't it be nice if all of life was that way? 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eagles Not Found

A photographer friend told me there were 3 eagles spending some time along the river near the rest area on Hwy 85.  The next morning I went to see the eagles.  No eagles.  But I did find a view of the Chippewa River that is not easily seen when the trees and the bushes get in the way. This picture is looking downstream and shows some of the beauty of northwest Wisconsin.

Eagles may be hiding now but I will keep looking for them. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Winter Sunset

When the sun goes down all that is left is the clouds and they make the picture. This picture was taken from the parking lot of Gold's Gym with the zoom lens extended to the limit of 200mm.

Sometimes sunsets encourage a mood to pause, reflect or meditate.  Maybe it will cause us to slow down for a moment and think about what is important in your life.  Have you taken time for that today?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

You are Being Watched

As I was getting ready to see how close I can focus with my zoom lens I looked around to find a suitable subject.  I wanted something that would show the good and bad characteristics of close up pictures with that lens.  I glanced around the room and suddenly felt like I was being watched.  There it was....the owl vase on the fireplace mantle.  How can you feel alone with those eyes watching.

So this is what you get with a Tamron 18-200 zoom lens 1.4 feet from object.  A good macro lens would have done it better I am sure.  The owl doesn't care. He stares that way all the time.

He is the rest of the owl. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

This "Picture a Day" (PAD) project is intended to be a learning experience for me and so I keep on trying different ways to do photography. 

This time I tried to see what happens when you photograph the TV screen.  Not very exciting but now I know it is possible....but only when one is desperate.

Happy New Year to You!